Ecstatic Shiva Dance © Guido Stuch, Quelle: ROXY Ulm

Sunday 27.10.2024

04:00 PM

ROXY Ulm / Labor

Schillerstraße 1/12

89077 Ulm

Science Slam

science entertaining

dance, dance, dance barefoot, flow, float, crawl, dance, jump, hop, turn, dance, bend, stretch, run, dance, run, twitch, tremble, dance, hold, storm, sway, dance, fall, climb, grasp, dance, puff, snort, hiss, dance, beat, screw, turn, dance, brake, curve, float, dance, glide, walk, stand, dance, sit, lie, fly, dance, pull, push, push, dance, trample, creep, shuffle, dance, shout, whisper, babble, dance, cry, laugh, falter, dance, jerk, trundle, roll, dance, roll, blink, rest, dance, wipe, stumble, stretch, dance, bend, stretch, loosen, dance and sweat... welcome to an Ecstatic Shiva Dance. Step into a space, an empty space, shed what you don't need, find your place, arrive at yourself, leave behind what keeps you outside, come to rest, get in touch with yourself, with the space, with the music, with the other dancers, move, let yourself move, get involved with what happens in you and through you, allow and let out what comes, dance, dance, dance What awaits you: Welcome, introduction and a ritual to arrive (10 min) Warm-up phase to bring your body and breath up to temperature and get ready for your dance experience (20min) Ecstatic Shiva Dance, a DJ set with different rhythms, speeds and intensities to accompany your dance (90min) Sound journey/sound meditation (15min) Closing circle with the opportunity to exchange with the other dancers and say goodbye (15min) Who can/may participate? Anyone who wants to feel, move and test themselves intensively for a while can and may take part. Dance experience is not necessary (but it doesn't hurt either ;-). It's about experiencing yourself in the joy of dancing and celebrating life. It's not about being able to... Every body and its possibilities are unique and beautiful, just as every dance and how it develops from the moment is unique and beautiful. There are no guidelines, no right or wrong, no evaluation, no prefabricated form or choreography, there is only you, the others, the space and the music. A few rules are needed to make your dance a success. - We start on time. So better come a little earlier. If you arrive late, you can no longer take part (otherwise the shared space and the energy that is created will be disrupted). - We dance barefoot or with socks (to build a good connection to the floor). - In the dance space, especially on the dance floor, we do not talk (privately), with the exception of all sounds, noises and words that are part of your dance (so that you can concentrate fully on the dance experience). - We pay attention to our own boundaries and those of the other dancers (contact with each other is possible and desirable if it is wanted and signaled by both/many). - Ecstatic Shiva Dance works without drugs. :-) What do I need to bring? - Drinks (water, tea, ..., no alcohol) for your own consumption - possibly a blanket for the sound journey/sound meditation - comfortable clothes, possibly dance socks if you don't want to dance barefoot Limited to 30 participants. Date: 27.10. | 16:00 H Admission: free of charge (we appreciate a small donation) Location: Tanzlabor, ROXY Ulm Registration required:



Anmeldung erforderlich - Auf Spendenbasis: free

Venue Organizer

ROXY Ulm / Labor

Schillerstraße 1/12
89077 Ulm


Phone: (0731) 968620


Note: wheelchair accessible

For more accessibility information, visit or directly at the venue or the organizer. Please understand that construction works and moves often result in changes.


Schillerstraße 1/12
89077 Ulm


Phone: (0731) 968620


ROXY Ulm / Labor